Julian Barg

Julian Barg is a PhD candidate in Business Sustainability at Ivey Business School and recipient of the Chisholm Graduate Scholarship in Sustainability. His reserach is concerned with the rhetoric and reality of sustainability, with a focus on environmental pollution. Julian has extensive experience in data science, including web scraping, natural language processing, and the creation of dashboards. His doctoral dissertation centers on the Keystone XL discourse, and the accompanying downfall of the pipeline and fossil fuel industries. He most recently coauthored “Truth, Beauty, and Justice in Models of Social Action”, published in Research in the Sociology of Organizations (Zbaracki et al. 2021).

Logo: earth fire by emilegraphics from the Noun Project

Zbaracki, Mark J., Lee Watkiss, Cameron McAlpine, and Julian Barg. 2021. “Truth, Beauty, and Justice in Models of Social Action.” In Research in the Sociology of Organizations, edited by Christine M. Beckman, 159–77. Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0733-558X20210000076007.
